It's National Council elections again and again you don't know who to vote for? Because no party in parliament really represents you? Because no party is really sincere, competent and humane? Because every party only wants your vote and doesn't care about you at all? Because you know that even the smallest evil is an evil? Because they all break their election promises? Because no party has credible solutions to the challenges of our time? Because all parties put the profit of the rich above the well-being of the people?

no party has a plan against the exploding prices and how we can achieve a good and affordable life. No party is solving the crisis in the healthcare system with its ever longer waiting times and overworked and underpaid employees. No party is taking the climate crisis seriously, which is already being felt more and more in Austria. No party dares to stand up against the rich and their corporations, who are destroying our planet and enriching themselves excessively. No party defends our freedom and democracy against their rich, right-wing and Islamist enemies. And no party has a vision of how we can restore the social cohesion that we all long for so much.

Even though so much is at stake in this election

For our healthcare system,

that treats all people equally and offers them the shortest waiting times, the best possible preventive care and the fastest treatment. That no longer finances private duplication with taxpayers' money and no longer forces people into private medicine. A healthcare system that is much more focused on prevention and health rather than illness. A system that is not overburdened with well-paid doctors and nurses due to the resources freed up. An efficient and cost-effective single-class healthcare system that is once again one of the central pillars of our public prosperity for all.

With inflation

where we as a society and the state cannot continue to stand idly by and watch the market's spectacular failure in terms of housing costs, food prices and energy bills. We need a state that regulates rents by law, puts an end to vacancies and promotes municipal housing construction. A government that takes bold action against the energy multinationals, skims off excess profits and provides energy at cost price through its state-owned companies. A government that does not put the profits of food and retail companies above the well-being of its population and regulates what the market cannot by fixing prices for basic foodstuffs.

For a defensive democracy

that is not afraid to defend its values and interests against its enemies in the ranks of the right and Islamists. One that does not back down an inch and does not end up abolishing itself through misguided tolerance. But we also need policies that listen to people and take them on board at eye level. One that recognizes that our current democracy is not perfect and is prepared to reform it together with the population in citizens' councils. To ensure that our democracy can continue to develop and not maneuver itself back into a dead end, we need a completely transparent state, lower political salaries and laws that swiftly punish intentional political corruption with prison sentences.

On the climate crisis

which has our world fully in its grip and has also arrived in Austria with ever stronger and more frequent extreme weather events. Politicians have already wasted far too much time, which is why we now need to react much more quickly and fundamentally. With an immediate general mobilization of all resources for the energy transition so that we only use clean, regional and cost-effective energy by 2030 at the latest. With a rapid switch to sustainable and organic agriculture, species-appropriate animal husbandry, a ban on private jets, the massive expansion of public transport, reduced soil sealing and high-quality products that are not produced to be thrown away.

For a social and economic order

in which everyone makes their fair contribution and not a few rich people and their corporations control everything, pocket all the profits and don't even make their tax contribution. This is precisely why we need new parties and people in parliament who are not too close to the rich and are often even on their payroll. Courageous representatives of the people who back regional small and medium-sized enterprises and strong rights for working people. Who favor regional jobs and value creation through taxation, adapt working hours to our high productivity and massively increase taxes on the unearned wealth and income of the rich and their corporations.

We all know that there is a lot to do...

We all know that there is a lot to do and that time is running out. We are all longing to finally make progress together as a society again. We all want politicians who look for solutions and don't just tell us that there is no alternative or that everything is impossible. We all want honest and capable people at the important levers of politics, society and the economy. Who guide us as people and as a society and show us the way to a progressive and beautiful future. Who do their job so that we too can play our part. Whom we trust and who unconditionally serve people, animals and the planet so that we can live in freedom.

That is our vision and that is what we want to bring to the National Council. For all those who are disappointed by current politics. For the unrepresented and angry. For all those who no longer want to vote for any of them and for whom even the lesser of two evils is no longer an option. For all those who finally want to see new parties and people in parliament. For all those who want a policy that looks to the future. That has competence and solutions. That motivates and inspires. Politics that we can trust.

fiktiver Stimmzettel

We are ready. You too?

NONE OF THEM is an election campaign for change. Here you will find our complete plan for people, animals and the planet.

Don't support any of them with your donation now. Thank you!

Don't support any of them with your donation now. Thank you!

Standing for election costs money. We have to pay almost 4,000 euros in printing costs for the election campaign alone, because the Republic obviously can't finance the ballot papers without us 🙂

Die haben wir aber Dank eure vielen Spenden schon abgedeckt. Danke euch!

But flyers, information stands, office rent, electricity and so on also cost money. 

That is why we would like to say thank you for your support. Because everything is easier together.

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