fiktiver Stimmzettel

No party represents you. No party represents us. We think and feel just like you and therefore have protest in our name in this election. Because we don't want to vote for any of the parliamentary parties either. 

That is why we are running as NONE OF THEM in the national elections on September 29. Because we've had enough and we're ready for something new and that's the only way the parliamentary parties will take us seriously and respond.

Which party is your party?

Which party is really honest?

KEINE und wir wissen, dass wir mit dieser Meinung nicht alleine sind. Den meisten Menschen steht es bis oben hin. Wir lassen uns nicht mehr von den Parlamentsparteien belügen und vorführen. Wir haben kein Vertrauen mehr in ihre Wahlversprechen, die das Papier nicht wert sind, auf dem sie geschrieben sind. Wir versagen ihnen unsere Stimme, weil das das Einzige ist, was die völlig abgehobene Politik noch versteht.

Which party represents you?

None of them. No parliamentary party represents us. That's why we founded ourselves. Because we are fed up with the dishonesty, corruption and incompetence of the parties. Because we want upright politicians we can trust. On whom we can rely. Who do their job so that we can do ours.

Welche Partei vertritt deine Interessen?

None, and yet there is so much to do in society and the economy. Starting with the broken healthcare system, inflation, the loss of trust in our democracy and the climate crisis. Education, wages, the rich, right-wing and Islamist enemies of our open society, flight and migration and housing.

Which party is ready for something new?

KEINE, und für alle, die das auch so sehen, bringen wir KEINE VON DENEN auf den Stimmzettel. Für die, die sich mehr von Politik erwarten. Die Anstand, Transparenz und Demokratie wieder auf dem Vormarsch sehen wollen. Die sich nicht mehr mit dem kleinsten Übel oder Nichtwählen abfinden.

Which party is your party?

Which party is really honest?

Keine. Und wir wissen, dass wir mit dieser Meinung nicht alleine sind. Den meisten Menschen steht es bis oben hin. Wir lassen uns nicht mehr von den Parlamentsparteien belügen und vorführen. Wir haben kein Vertrauen mehr in ihre Wahlversprechen, die das Papier nicht wert sind, auf dem sie geschrieben sind. Wir versagen ihnen unsere Stimme, weil das das Einzige ist, was die völlig abgehobene Politik noch versteht.

Which party represents you?

None of them. No parliamentary party represents us. That's why we founded ourselves. Because we are fed up with the dishonesty, corruption and incompetence of the parties. Because we want upright politicians we can trust. On whom we can rely. Who do their job so that we can do ours.

Welche Partei vertritt deine Interessen?

None, and yet there is so much to do in society and the economy. Starting with the broken healthcare system, inflation, the loss of trust in our democracy and the climate crisis. Education, wages, the rich, right-wing and Islamist enemies of our open society, flight and migration and housing.

Which party is ready for something new?

NONE and for all those who see it the same way, put NONE OF THEM on the ballot paper. For those who expect more from politics. Who want to see decency, transparency and democracy on the rise again. Who no longer resign themselves to the lesser of two evils or not voting.

The time is ripe for something new!

The time is ripe for new people and parties in parliament who are not like these. Who are not MPs for the money, who dare to tackle problems and also have solutions.

Our promises

We are normal, working people without political representation. Who are angry and disappointed with the parliamentary parties. People who do not want to stand by and watch the parliamentary parties continue to be dishonestly corrupt and incompetent.

The time has come to stop letting ourselves be represented by the obstructionists and the corrupt. The time has come to let the parliamentary parties know that we refuse to follow them. And we can only do this by taking seats from them in parliament. So that there are finally more decent, honest and progressive people in the most important place in our democracy.

We are ready for something new. Are you too?

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Don't support any of them with your donation now. Thank you!

Don't support any of them with your donation now. Thank you!

Standing for election costs money. We have to pay almost 4,000 euros in printing costs for the election campaign alone, because the Republic obviously can't finance the ballot papers without us 🙂

Die haben wir aber Dank eure vielen Spenden schon abgedeckt. Danke euch!

But flyers, information stands, office rent, electricity and so on also cost money. 

That is why we would like to say thank you for your support. Because everything is easier together.

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